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Strength through diversity

Different perspectives on diversity

Diversity and inclusion are important to companies, especially in volatile times. The wellbeing of employees critically depends on these two factors. B. Braun colleagues from various countries tell us about what diversity means to them specifically.

The concept of diversity has traction these days. Businesses, institutions and a wide swath of society agree that diversity is a strength—and that different viewpoints and backgrounds enrich debate and make decisions more sustainable. The multitude of crises unfolding currently are unmistakable: war in Europe, inflation, the aftereffects of the coronavirus pandemic. Social and economic uncertainty is higher than it has been in decades. In times of uncertainty such as these, embracing diversity is a critical stabilizing factor both for society as a whole and especially for businesses.


This has been backed up with a wealth of data collected as part of a widely respected study by the International Labour Organization (ILO), an agency of the UN in Geneva. Researchers at the ILO evaluated over 12,000 surveys from hundreds of businesses in industrialized and newly industrialized countries. Jae-Hee Chang is the senior program and operations officer at the ILO. She headed the research project and summarized the results: “As we’ve known for some time: a high level of diversity directly correlates with greater productivity. Recruitment is one of the most important ways to achieve this. Companies that embrace diversity are simply more attractive.”


The study also found that businesses with a diverse culture are more flexible to changing market conditions, which means they can react more quickly. Yet, diversity is more than just a tool for a company’s success. The actual focus of the ILO study is people. As Chang explained, “We were mostly interested in employee wellbeing and we found that it is directly linked to the level of diversity. In diverse companies, the employees—everyone, really—find it easier to see themselves as part of a whole. On the other hand, and this is an integral part of it, they feel respected as individuals. They can be themselves and that's precisely what makes them part of a community.” This exact combination produces a quality that is more important than ever in times of crisis, both on the individual and company level: resilience—the ability to overcome volatile times.   

“As we’ve known for some time: a high level of diversity directly correlates with greater productivity. Recruitment is one of the most important ways to achieve this. Companies that embrace diversity are simply more attractive.”

Jae-Hee Chang, senior program and operations officer at the International Labour Organization (ILO)

Sam Fairbanks, Learning & Development Specialist, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Our goal is to let people show who they are

I work in HR and deal primarily with developing our leaders. Several studies show that diversity is a topic that plays a role throughout the company because it affects every employee. However, executives take on a special responsibility when it comes to diversity. They must be a role model for promoting diversity: they embody it every day and act with great sensitivity, spreading it to the entire team. One of the most important things here is: how can you raise awareness of your own presumptions?

People are our greatest asset, they make our company successful. Our goal has to be to treat them in a way that makes them feel fully respected and seen.

However, when recruiting for two B. Braun companies in Kenya, we pay close attention to diversity. This isn't done with quotas for individual ethnic groups—it’s just an unspoken reality that many different groups work here. It’s not just about inclusion. As a medical technology company, we naturally don't focus on a single group—such as people in large urban areas. We also have customers in rural areas and in order to understand them and especially to properly communicate with them, ethnic diversity is simply a necessity.

“As a medical technology company, we naturally don't focus on a single group. Ethnic diversity is simply a necessity!”

Joyce Njiru, Financial Controller, Nairobi, Kenya
You must recognize, acknowledge and embrace a work culture to get the best out of our diverse workforce and make them feel they belong here.

Yongji Fu, Vice President and Head of Research & Development, Penang, Malaysia  

A diverse team makes better products

I work in a highly diverse team, especially in terms of origin, culture and ethnicity. I'm Chinese, myself, and my colleagues here include Malay, Indian as well as German. In our daily work, you notice this mostly in who has which days off. For example, there's the Eid for Muslims, Diwali for Hindus, Chinese New Year for the Chinese and the Christmas holidays for Christians. There’s a lot of openness and curiosity here about this cultural diversity, people are interested in it and are happy for each other.

In our department, we are responsible to establish the innovation roadmap of intravenous catheters and implement it. It would not be ideal if these catheters were developed by a group of engineers who are all alike, when the nursing professionals who are our customers are diverse in age and gender. This means we need the specific experience, the vision, the background of different people to develop a product which nurses actually like to work with.

“For us, diversity isn't just a matter of respect, rather it plays a crucial role in the actual innovation work we do. ”

Yongji Fu, Vice President and Head of Research & Development, Penang, Malaysia
The United States are very diverse, and it is critical that we represent the patients and providers we serve.

Higor Santana, Commercial Excellence Trainee, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Being yourself can transform your environment

You could probably think of me as a member of diversity at B. Braun Brazil. I’m openly gay, and I come from a very rural region in the Midwest. As because Brazil is a very mixed society, maybe it does not seem as segregated as it actually is. An example of this inequality is that graduates from elite universities who have traveled abroad have the best opportunities, especially in trainee programs. Of course, only the privileged can normally go to these universities anyway – and afford to go abroad. B. Braun Brazil is purposely countering this by opening a trainee program without excluding prerequisites, aiming to compose a diverse team, and giving opportunity to less privileged groups. We are a very mixed group of trainees, and the interactions are fantastic—we have all become friends.

I represent diversity here, and my experiences matter in this environment—and that is a good thing.

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