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Determining the total price of therapy
Chronic wounds have a significant impact on the quality of life of patients, carers and families. Costs associated with treating chronic wounds are significant for patients and the healthcare system with estimated costs of $3 billion per year.1
Value based healthcare is all about looking at the health economics and how implementing best practise will reduce the cost of the overall therapy, and improve the patient outcome, including time to heal.
The value is derived from measuring health outcomes against the cost of the product and therefore the cost of the overall therapy. It takes into consideration the cost of outcomes to be avoided, such as wound infections, prolonged treatment, and the time to achieve wound closure. The Prontosan Health Economic Value tool shows how Prontosan can achieve a reduced length of patient journey versus saline. This allows you to focus on the total cost of therapy and recommend best practise.
The B. Braun Value Based Health Economics model determines the total price of therapy for one patient undergoing advanced wound care to achieve wound bed preparation represented by a Bates Jansen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) score of 14. The health economics tool compares Prontosan Irrigation Solution with Saline and sterile water. The findings demonstrate cost effectiveness of Prontosan over Saline and Sterile Water. The patient journey is based on the data points available from Bellingeri 2016 and a mathematical extrapolation based off the weekly values of the BWAT score.
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Confirm Yes, I am a health care professional. Cancel No, I am not a health care professional.The following factors are taken into consideration throughout the WPB process and determines what the end result is in terms of cost, duration of treatment, and wound closure. The use of different solutions can drastically effect the use and result of all these factors and in turn influences the total cost of therapy.
The cost of product A is more than product B, the overall cost of the therapy using product B far outweighs the cost of Product A when you take into consideration the longer length of treatment as well as other potential costs of outcomes such as wound infection.
This diagram shows how by using Prontosan®, you will use less solution, less dressings, and less antibiotics, reducing the overall cost and length of treatment time to 28 days verus 98 days using saline.2
The end goal is to improve the patient journey with respect to the length of treatment as well as an improvement in the wound healing, pain and quality of life.
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