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Product Catalog Find the product you are looking for. Visit the B. Braun product catalog with our complete portfolio.
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Innovation Hub Let us drive innovation in medical technology together. Learn more about our innovation hub and present your idea.
B. Braun manual dispenser Hygienic delivery and precise dosing B. Braun Dispenser manual B. Braun Dispenser new B. Braun Dispenser manual B. Braun Dispenser new Modular system with drip tray, lever, back plateFor 500 ml and 1000 ml bottlesEasy to clean - Dishwasher proof (up to 60°C)LockableEasy to installIncludes a volume indicatorCustomizable- label it – change color… your choice!Adaptable dosing volumeAirless system with unique collapsible bottlesReady for a smart upgrade