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Caresite® Extension Set

Extension set for infusion lines

The extension sets with Caresite® valve are additionally used to extend infusion lines by attaching them to a luer lock connection.

Flexible needle-free extension lines allow manipulation away from the injection site and reduce Vascular Access complications. This ensures treatment patient by infusion, transfusion, aspiration of blood samples and intermittent injection. Moreover, it simplifies an aseptic technique during the change of IV administration sets. This benefits patients as well as healthcare workers.

The tubing with small internal diameter minimizes the contained volume and benefits the usage for paediatric/neonate patients.


Luer-Slip and Luer-Lock compatible

  • Easy access for Luer-Slip and Luer-Lock connections. Suitable for several IV procedures (e.g. Luer Lock connections, etc.).1 

Non-removable slide clamp

  • Non-removable slide clamps prevent the unintended removal by patients and reduce the risk that patients swallow the clamps (e.g. small children on pediatric wards).1 

Rotating Spin-Lock connector

  • Designed to minimise twisting of tubing.1 

High pressure resistant

  • The following Caresite® Extension Sets are suitable for use with power injectors which allows more flexibility:
    - REF 470100 – Smallbore Single Extension Set
    They have a pressure resistance up to 300 psi at 10mL/sec.1 

Average fluid displacement 0.029 ml (positive)

  • Designed to reduce the risk of

Designed to minimize slips and touch contamination

  • Ergonomic design provides easy access by allowing a good grip and easy connection.1 

Back-check valve

  • Some of our Caresite® Extension Sets have a back-check valve within its composition. The back-check valve prevents backflow of fluids and blood and therefore it offers safety during parallel pressure and gravity infusions.1 

Patient population

  • The device can be used for all patients for which infusion therapy is prescribed. No gender or age-related limitations. There are no patient population restrictions.1 

Technical data:

  • Not made with DEHP1 
  • Not made with Latex / Natural rubber.1 


Sharps Injury

  • Needle-free systems are designed to provide convenient and safe needle-free IV access for injection, aspiration or parallel infusion.2,3 

Air Embolism

  • A closed system helps to reduce the risk of air embolism due to the self-sealing valve which avoids intake of air.2,4,5,6 

Chemical contamination

  • A closed system helps to reduce the risk of chemical contamination as the valve prevents spillage / drug exposure.2,4,5,6 

Microbial contamination / Airborne contamination / Touch contamination

  • Product does not allow the entry of external contaminants in the system, forming an effective microbial barrier when exposed to a microbial burden. 
  • Effective barrier to microbial contamination when swabbed with alcohol pad. 
  • Swabbable valve forms a closed system as it is designed to prevent microbial ingress and the escape of contaminants. 4,6 

Reduction of catheter manipulation

  • The usage of a short extension set on a peripheral catheter will separate the healthcare workers‘ hands from the catheter hub and helps to reduce blood contact and decrease catheter manipulation.9 Therefore, considering the usage of an extension set between the peripheral catheter and needleless connector will reduce the risk of catheter manipulation. 7, 9 

Manipulation away from injection site

  • Using an extension set allows manipulation away from the injection site, which ensures treatment of patient by infusion, transfusion, aspiration of blood samples and intermittent injection.9 

Smallbore tubings

  • Tubings with smaller internal diameters are minimizing the contained volume which can be a benefit to patient populations where fluid volume is important.8 

Reduction of Mechanical phlebitis

  • Mechanical phlebitis may be reduced by adding an extension set. Adding an extension set can reduce the amount of movement caused by accessing the injection port at the insertion site. Using a short extension set attached to the catheter can reduce complications associated with catheter movement.10, 11 

Intravascular catheter-related infections

  • Usage of a needleless system to access IV tubing helps to reduce the risk of Intravascular catheter-related infections.13 


  1. Internal data
  2. American Nurses Association – Independent Study Module: Needlestick Safety and Prevention written by Mary Foley, MS, RN and Annemarie T. Leyden, EdD, RN
  3. Review Article - Review on Needle Free Drug Delivery Systems, International Journal of Pharma Research & Review, written by Bhagyashri Chavan, Abha Doshi, Yashwant Malode, Balu Misal, Sept 2013; 2(9):30-36
  4. Cornman, Lois J., and Donna M. Inglot. "One hospital's solution." RN, Nov. 1994, p. 50+.
  5. Test report - Evaluation of the microbial barrier performance of Caresite® valve against sporesog Bacillussubtilis signed by Prof. Dr. med. M.Exner and Dr. rer. nat. J. Gebel, Report DMT 2013-412, 11.12.2013
  6. Test Report - Closed system test by means of Sodium Fluorescein signed by Dr. rer. nat. J. Brünke Quality Labs BT GmbH Nuremberg, Report 1678.2-1, 28.05.2013
  7. White Paper: CARESITE® Luer Access Device (LAD): 7- Day Microbial Barrier Performance, B. Braun Medical Inc., Bethlehem, PA., 15-5669 SW, 2017
  8. Infusion Nurses Society, Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice, Supplement to Journal of Infusion Nursing, Volume 39, Number 1S, January/February 2016, p. 68S.
  9. Paediatric Intravenous Therapy in Practice, Karen Bravery, Intravenous Therapy in Nursing Practice, second edition, Lisa Dougherty and Julie Lamb, Blackwell Publishing, 2008, p. 416
  10. Lynn C. Hadaway, (Hadaway Associates, Milner, GA, USA.) Infusion Therapy Equipment, Infusion Nursing: An Evidence-Based Approach / M Alexander. Philadelphia: Saunders, 3rd edition, 2009:391- 436, p. 410
  11. Centre for Healthcare Related Infection Surveillance and Prevention & Tuberculosis Control; Queensland Government – Department of Health; Guideline for Peripheral Intravenous Catheters (PIVC), Version 2 – March 2013, p. 3.
  12. Canterbury District Health Board Intravenous Cannulation Handbook 2010, Elizabeth Culverwell, Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation Self Learning Package,, p.18.
  13. Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. Care and Maintenance to Reduce Vascular Access Complications. Toronto, Canada, Nursing Best Practice Guideline, April 2005, Revised 2008, p. 28, 65.
  14. CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department of Health and Human Services – USA, Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections, 2011, p. 54
  15. Guidelines: Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice, page 152 published in Journal of Infusion Nursing (January/February 2016, Volume 39, Number 1S)
  16. Study: Efficacy of a “saline only” flush protocol utilizing the Ultrasite® positive displacement device. Susan Silverstein, RN, CRNI, Nurse Consultant, Omnicare Infusion Services of Northern Illinois, January 2003
  17. Study: Journal of Vascular Access Devices, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2000, Page 31-33, The effects of positive pressure devices on catheter occlusions, Loretta Berger RN, CRNI
  18. Study: Leone M, Dillon R. Catheter outcomes in home infusion. JIN March/April 2008 Vol 31, No2.