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Employees who embrace change
Their expertise, passion, and skills are crucial to our business success and are B. Braun‘s greatest strength. At the same time, we promote a culture characterized by trust, accountability and diversity.
We are shaping the future with great openness, flexibility and the courage to change, to continue to be successful in a highly dynamic environment. We continue to develop our corporate culture and enable our employees to acquire new competencies. At the same time, we want to attract new talent to the company and our growth areas.
All of our employees should be able to work in a safe and healthy working environment. We promote a high-performance leadership and collaboration culture. The basis for this culture is a competence model that takes future requirements into account. We are constantly developing our leadership culture to shape change.
We value differences. It is our culture of trust, accountability and diversity that makes B. Braun a true partner for employees and customers. By strengthening an appreciative, inclusive and equitable working environment, we unleash the full potential of all of our employees. As a symbol of this concept, B. Braun signed the Diversity Charter together with 3,000 other companies in Germany.
The proportion of women in the overall workforce was 52 percent in 2022. Of the five members of the Executive Board, two were women in 2022, and five women were among the 16 members of the Supervisory Board. This allowed us to meet the targets we set in 2017 of not falling below a proportion of women on the Executive Board of 28 percent, and increasing the proportion of women members on the Supervisory Board to 30 percent or having at least two women Supervisory Board members each on the employer and employee side. The proportion of women serving on these boards is 40 percent and 31 percent, respectively.
With the introduction of a major digitalization program, we laid the foundation for the digital transformation of HR during this reporting period. The first module of the new cloud-based HR management system was rolled out in 7 countries. Others will follow in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the North and Latin American regions, then a third phase in the Asia-Pacific region.
As a family-owned company, it is particularly important for us to help our employees balance family and work. B. Braun already offers family-friendly working hours models in many companies in different countries. 2,865 employees took parental leave in 2022. The percentage of men taking parental leave has continued to increase in recent years.
A European company agreement adopted in 2013 and renewed in 2018 created the framework for concluding agreements for part-time family leave in the individual countries. Our employees have the possibility, for example, to temporarily reduce their work hours with B. Braun’s family part-time work model to take more time to care for people in their family. In the reporting year, 1,494 employees in 11 countries took
B. Braun‘s part-time family leave, which was revised to accommodate a changing environment.
B. Braun accompanies the professional path of each individual with a wide range of training and development options. Being successful in a volatile environment also demands new ways of learning from our employees. We deliver learning content for successful transformation and strengthen learning culture with a customized and motivating “learning ecosystem” for the workforce. This includes learning units that specifically focus on the cultural change in the company, as well as applications to expand one’s own digital knowledge.
In 2022 B. Braun employees spent an average of 3 days on continuing education. All training and development programs are provided under the umbrella of the B. Braun Business School and provide opportunities for every employee group. A total of 1,340 courses were taught to over 26,000 attendees.
At B. Braun, we take a preventive approach in order to keep work-related accidents and illnesses at a minimum. In all divisions of the company, occupational safety is achieved by example and through employees’ willingness to accept responsibility. The total number of lost-time injuries dropped about 27 percent from 2021 to 2022 in the reporting year. We analyze every accident to determine the underlying cause and derive corrective and preventative measures. We communicate the sequence of events of the accident throughout the manufacturing facilities to prevent similar accidents from happening again elsewhere in the company.
B. Braun relies on the globally recognized ISO 45001 standard in order to harmonize and continue to de velop its occupational health and safety processes and standards. More than 68 percent of the production sites in our reporting countries are already certified under this ISO standard. By 2023, we will roll out our occupational safety management standards globally.
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